Robotic Process Automation (RPA) – rewriting the history of work

International competition is intensifying, and many companies are under pressure to shorten their innovation cycles while at the same time further personalizing their customer approaches. To remain successful in the market, you need innovative and intelligent solutions for comprehensive process optimization. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) allows humans to interact with software to perform large numbers […]
Task automation- problems, challenges and mistakes

Task Automation- Struggles and solutions Automation helps you save time by cutting out unnecessary steps and clearing the schedule of employees who regularly deal with repetitive tasks. Just like anything else in the world, automation has its downsides and comes with its challenges. Here are some of the most common struggles you may face and […]
Project Management Automation

Project Management Automation Do you want to assure the success of your project management processes? The automation is your solution. One of the main reasons you should choose to automate your project management system is to reduce the time invested. Project managers spend a lot of time doing their own tasks and overall coordinating the team and […]
Switch to Digitalization

Rapid Change: Switch to Digitalization The Covid-19 spread has affected many aspects of our daily lives, including our health, workplace and free time. Radical changes have been made, especially in the global economy, by companies and businesses which struggled to survive during the lockdowns. One of the major changes was the switch to digitalization. As the […]
Programming Languages- What you need to know!

The Basics of Programming Languages What is a programming language? This should definitely be one of the first questions you need to ask yourself if you are new to programming. You can think of programming as a set of instructions given to your computer, in order for it to execute certain commands. Computers use a […]
IT- Where did all begin?

The Beginning of the IT World Our world today can be easily defined by connections. Change is necessary and it happens without us even noticing it. But have you ever wondered how our connected world started in the first place? Well, connections exist since humanity itself exists, as we, social beings, depend on them. But […]
News Alert- Digital Job Show

Care sunt perspectivele industriei IT& Software din România, pentru anul care vine?/ Which are the prospects of Romanian IT& Software industry for next year? Compania noastră Temeron, reprezentată de manager Dan Fanu, este invitată în cadrul emisiunii Digital Job, organizată de Școala Informală de IT. Această emisiune are ca temă perspectivele industriei IT& Software din […]
Delivering What Consumers Really Value

On the other hand, organizations have the need for integrating in IT departments new technologies often using cloud services and other ways of direct access to the web. This pressure for IT departments to give…